#ItsInTheBagBaby – What I Can’t Leave Home Without

#ItsInTheBagBaby – What I Can’t Leave Home Without

I have had lots of change bags and, as the number of children I have multiplies, these bags have got larger and larger. I always have my change bag ready and waiting to go so we can dash out the door as quickly as possible. It’s one less thing to sort out when trying to argue load 4 small people into a car or pushchair. My current change bag is a Pink Lining Twice As Nice which I absolutely adore. It’s just the right size for carrying all my stuff around.


When we go out I do look more like I’m packing for holiday than just popping to the shops. I like to make sure I’m well prepared. But, what do I have in my change bag that is so essential?

1. The Obvious
Nappies and wipes for 3 of the children plus the associated bum related paraphernalia (nappy cream, nappy sacks, mat etc).


2. A Change Of Clothes
I learnt very quickly after having my first that carrying a change of clothes for all small people is essential. We had a very traumatic trip out to a restaurant where our lovely first born filled his nappy and sleepsuit! He spent the rest of the meal wrapped in a blanket. Also, check the change of clothes every so often to make sure they still fit.


3. Snacks
I always carry a small stash of emergency snacks as they can sometimes save the day in difficult situations. I usually have small packets of raisins or other dried fruit which last ages and can easily be whipped out when an appointment runs late or you’re stuck in traffic.


4. Toys
I carry a pack of trump cards and a few toy cars for the same reasons as above. They have saved a few full blown restaurant meltdowns. I try to make sure it’s a toy they’ve not seen before or are not allowed normally so it still has a bit of excitement.


5. Mum Essentials
Emergency tampons, anti-bac hand gel, lip balm, paracetamol, plasters, change for trolley/parking gift vouchers. These are hardly ever used but do occasionally have their uses.
I got lots of vouchers for my birthday and now always carry them with me as you never know when you might stumble across a beautiful pair of shoes!

6. Camera
I know all phones have cameras in them these days but my phone has a tendency to be full and if I go out with my parents, they have no idea how to take use my phone. Old school is best!


Do I go a little over the top with my change bag? Yes, probably! But, I was always taught to be prepared!
This article is my entry to be a Pink Lining brand ambassador at http://pinklining.com/uk

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